The hard truth about donations
Turns out we can’t completely avoid the guilt of letting go of stuff.

Organizing for the ADHD brain
One of many reasons why organizing solutions aren’t one-size-fits-all.

Don’t fall for marketing mind tricks
Retailers love to make us believe that we don’t have what we need for the change of season. Don't fall for it.

We don’t need as much as we think
A healthy relationship with stuff begins with getting in touch with what we actually need.

How do you want to feel?
When winter weather keeps us inside, it becomes an opportunity to tune in to how we feel in the place we call home.

Gifting to your future Self
It’s the season of giving, and a good time to remember that gifts don’t always have to be tangible things.

Building habits is hard
There can be some shame around having spent time and money organizing a space and then seeing it become cluttered again.

Snackleboxes and the art of repurposing items
In just about every client session I’m searching around the house to see what we could use for functional storage solutions, and most of the time we use items for things they were not originally intended for.