Building habits is hard

When I show up for follow-up sessions with clients, I often hear an apology about the mess that emerged in the space we already organized. There can be some shame around having spent time and money and then seeing it become cluttered again.

What I want to say is that this is 100% natural and normal, because building new habits is hard. The most important part is editing down the amount of stuff being stored, but the hardest part is keeping it that way.

It’s taken me years to build a habit of putting things away and tidying up at the end of each day. When that’s not a normal part of a routine, or we’re used to relying on the help of others in the household, it can feel like an impossible task.

So here’s your reminder to give yourself some grace and take it day by day. Merely by having the goal and intention of keeping an organized home, you’re already making leaps and bounds of progress. The rest will follow, but the important thing is to never give up.


Gifting to your future Self


Snackleboxes and the art of repurposing items