We don’t need as much as we think
I recently discovered this illustration by artist Fabian Lavater.
Not only is the the piece gorgeous (all of his work is amazing), but the message strikes a chord. So often I’m talking and sharing about our relationship with stuff and how we can improve our lives by organizing our homes. Although this remains important for well-being, the flip side of the coin is equally important: having less to begin with.
I’m not here to proselytize a minimalist lifestyle, but I do think there is value in reflecting on our relationship with our things and the value of living simply. If there’s one question I ask my client’s the most, it’s “when is the last time you used/wore this?” If the answer is not within the past year or two, it’s a clear indicator that the item has served it’s purpose and it’s time to let go.
We really don’t need as much as we think.